A hapless bloke had the shirt ripped off his back by a rising barrier as he tried to crawl underneath it.
CCTV footage shows how he bent down to get through the gap between the two gates as he left a car park via the vehicle exit.
A “no pedestrians” sign was clearly visible on the barrier but did not deter the young man.
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As he crawled through the gap on all fours, the gates either side of him started rising, snagging his T-shirt and his shorts.
He was hoisted into the air by his bum but quickly managed to lift himself upright and stand awkwardly on one leg.
He managed to free his shorts, but his top was a lost cause.
He could only lift his arms in the air as the t-shirt was pulled over his head.
The topless young man remained at the scene looking helplessly at the garment.
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It remained out of his reach at the top of the now-vertical gate.
The hilarious clip was shared on Croatian social media on Tuesday (4 Mar).
It had been watched more than 300,000 times at the time of writing, as reported by What’s The Jam.
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Sava joked: “The guy did well for himself.”
Dalibor commented: “No one would believe him if this clip didn’t exist.”

And Marko remarked: “Everything comes at a price.”
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