A budding pilot bought a bizarre helicopter for £37,000 so he could learn how to fly.
The man – named only as Tang – has dreamed of flying an aeroplane since he was a child.
At the age of 55, he finally decided to fork out for the chopper and give it a shot.
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According to Tang, the single-person helicopter was made by a group of people.
Tang soared through the air wearing a helmet, as the rotor spun above his head.
There is no carriage for him to sit in, with his body completely exposed to the open air.
The helicopter moved seamlessly through the air, and even hovered above the ground.
Local press have revealed it has a maximum flight of 25 miles, and a maximum speed of around 60mph, as reported by What’s The Jam.
Tang, Guangyuan, in Sichuan Province, China, learned to fly the machine all by himself.
He mastered the basic skills after just nine hours.
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