A hapless woman was smacked in the face by a Tube door as she tried to get off as it was closing.
She was with two pals and dashed towards the exit of the London Underground train.
One of their friends had already got off the Piccadilly Line service.
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The young woman and the other were still onboard and made a sudden dash to disembark.
But as she did she was squashed between them and one of the automatic doors hit her in the mouth.
She fell to the platform floor holding her face.
The mate still on the Tube, at Leicester Square managed to prise open the doors to dash to her aid.
The 11-second video – filmed by their friend who got off first – then came to an end.
It happened on Saturday (18 Jan), as reported by What’s The Jam.
Fellow Londoners gave a mixed reaction.
London Underground trains have a beep alarm to warn passengers the doors are about to close.
An announcement asks them not to block them because it delays services.
Harry Ali said: “Ouch.”
One named James said: “The second girl opening the doors with her bare hands like a superhero.
“Right after the first one stacks it.”
Beena Gill added: “Poor woman, that must have hurt.”
But Drew fumed: “Morons.”
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