A lady gained online fame by introducing her unique pet to the world – an affectionate pigeon named Nigel. Nessie Macdonald came across Nigel in 2021 when she found the ailing bird.
Taking him under her care, they formed a strong bond, becoming inseparable. Nessie shared their story on TikTok (@nigelthepetpigeon), amassing over 10.1 million views. Recounting the encounter, the 29-year-old from Hebden Bridge, England, expressed, “When I found him, he was so malnourished and couldn’t puff up.”
Nessie detailed her efforts to rehabilitate Nigel: “I rehabbed him, and, when I tried to release him, he just scratched at the window until I let him back in. So he stayed! I can’t describe just how much he has completed my life.
He’s the first thing I see in the morning, and the last thing I do at night is make up his hot water bottle. It has taken over two years to earn his trust, and we’re still having firsts – like his first sunbathe, his first snuggle, his first nap on my knee.” Describing Nigel’s care routine, she stated,
“Looking after him is actually quite easy. He has an extra-large dog crate fitted out with a cosy cat bed, lots of perching space, bowls for his water and pellets, a hammock, and of course, lots of toys.
He does need a lot of company and follows me around. The best way to describe it is like having a feathery cat.”
Despite Nigel’s occasional health challenges, Nessie emphasizes the joy he brings: “He does get regular crop infections, so we go to the vets a lot – but pigeons, in general, only need food, warmth, and snuggles.”
Delighted with her unconventional companion, Nessie expressed, “He’s a regular at the pubs and the local garden centre.
One of my friends calls him in the morning for ‘morning hoots’.
My other friends have been won over by his constant wooing.
If you’re wondering about a pigeon as a pet, do it! They have such a bad reputation as ‘dirty sky rats,’ but they’re the cleanest birds! They love a bath, and humans have domesticated them for 10,000 years, so they’re pretty perfect pets.”
The TikTok video of their walks garnered widespread internet attention, with various comments expressing admiration for Nigel’s charm and uniqueness.
“How did u get ur own pigeon I want one,” added Oliver.
“do you think other pigeons are jealous of nigel,” asked someone else.
Another person commented: “omg so adorable.”
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